Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pictured above is the historic Williamson Fire Hall on Main Street, Williamson. 
The west wall shown here is the site for the proposed
Historic Fire Company Mural.
The purpose of the mural is to add interest to our downtown area and to honor
the Williamson, East Williamson, and Pultneyville Fire Companies.
We are in the process of raising money for this mural project.
If you are interested in pledging your support, please download and print the pledge form at the bottom of this post.  After filling it out, please mail it to the Williamson Chamber of Commerce. 

Below are four proposal sketches from four different artists.  These are relatively quick sketches of their ideas for the mural.  One of these artists would be chosen to do the mural.  The chosen artist would do a more detailed, colored rendition for review and approval prior to painting the final product.  Please feel free to comment on the project and proposals...we would love to hear what you have to say!

Mural Proposal - Amy Colburn
Historic fire truck with current fire fighters en route to the scene.
Small vignettes displaying fire companies community involvement.

Mural Proposal - Michael Buell
With the American flag as a back drop, a collage of images include
the historic fire hall, fire truck and horse drawn fire apparatus
with a current fire fighter in the center. 

Mural Proposal - Corky Goss
Three separate images, one for each of the fire companies
(Williamson, Pultneyville, and East Williamson).

Mural Proposal - Bev Owens
This collage of images would be composed into one image;
a Main Street scene with a horse drawn fire apparatus
responding to a call as pedestrians watch.  Also shown
above is a sketch of the historic fire truck.

An example of each of the artists' installed mural work is posted below. 
Unlike the quick, rough proposal sketches, these allow you to see their finished work.
Amy Colburn
Michael Buell
Corky Goss
Bev Owens